
Membership |
Editorial Services
- Journal of Lightwave Technology, associate editor (2007-2009)
- Chinese Optics Letters, standing editor (2007-)
- Frontiers of Optoelectronics in China, editor (2007-)
- Microcomputer Applications (in Chinese), editor
Conference Services
- OFC (Optical Fiber Communication), TPC member (2007, 2008)
- Optics East (Program on Communications/ITCom), TPC member (2006, 2007)
- IEEE LEOS-PS (International Conference on Photonics In Switching), TPC member (2007, 2008)
- APOC (Asia-Pacific Optical Communication), steering committee member (2007, 2008), leading co-chair of organizing committee (2005), co-chair of sub-committee (2002, 2008), TPC member (2003, 2007
- IEEE ICICS (International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing), TPC member (2007)
- OECC (OptoElectronic and Communication Conference), co-chair of Category5: Optical Networks and Management (2003)
- IEEE CLEO/Pacific Rim (Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics), co-chair of sub-committee (2009)
- GOBS (The International Workshop on GRID over Optical Burst Switching Networks), TPC member (2007)
- WOBS (International Workshop on Optical Burst Switching), TPC member (2004)
- CSNA (IASTED International Conference on Communication Systems, Networks and Applications), IPC member (2007)
- ICAIT (International Conference on Advanced Inforcomm Technology), TPC member (2008)
- WIN (Workshop on IPTV and NGN), co-chair (2007)
- WOTE (Workshop on Optical Transmission and Equalization), advisory chair (2005)
- member of the coordination group of 3TNet of 863 Program (2002-2006), chair of the task force of optical network (2003-2006)
- member of the coordination group of CAINONet of 863 Program (1999-2001)
- member of meeting reviewing of Optics II of NSFC (2003), reviewer of Information Science Department of (2001-)
- member of technology forecast of Shanghai (2004-2009)
- member of Communication and Multimedia of STCS Shanghai (2002-2004)
- member of the Chinese Association of Young Scientists And Technicians (CAYST) (2004-)
- member of the Shanghai Association of Informatization Young Talents (2004-)
- member of IEEE LEOS (2005-)
- member of academic committee of the State Key Laboratory of Advanced Optical Communication Systems and Networks (2003-2008)
- member of academic committee of the State Key Laboratory of Optical Fiber Communication Technology and Networks (2007-)
- member of academic committee of the Key Laboratory of Broadband Optical Fiber Transmission and Communication Networks of Ministry of Education (2004-)