Weisheng Hu, received BS (86), MS (89), and PhD (94) from Tsinghua, BUST, and Nanjing University. He joined WUST as assistant professor in 1989-94, SJTU as post-doctorate fellow in 1997-99, and as professor in 1999. He was director of SKL of advanced optical communication systems and networks (2003-07), member of coordinate task force of CAINONet and 3Tnet (1999-06), and technology forecast of Shanghai (2004-). He serves TPC for OFC, APOC, Optics East, LEOS/PS, CLEO/PS, ICICS, and editorial board for JLT, COL, and FOC.
He led and participated 32 grants supported by NSFC, 863, MOE, and Shanghai. He published 78 peer journal papers, 26 OFC and ECOC conference papers. He gave 16 invited talks. He holds 38 patents. He received one National Award and three Provincial/Ministry Awards for Science and Technology Progress. |